Would you like to become part of a community that lives innovation, loves creativity and values mutual support? Then become a member of the Factory Campus Community and benefit from our membership offer.

Become part of the Factory Campus Community - a community of makers, visionaries, creatives, start-ups, freelancers, entrepreneurs, coaches and business angels. 

The membership is your access to our community. You also get a 10% discount for all our events and the majority of our project rooms.

The special thing about the membership is the access to our Slack network. It gives you the opportunity to digitally network with other workaholics, realize projects together and seek or find professional support. The Slack network is also your digital connection to the host team, who will be happy to support you with all your needs.

The Facts

FC Membership

A membership offers you the following benefits:

  • Membership can be canceled monthly to the end of the month.

  • Access to the coworking space for 2 days/month

  • Access to the Slack network included

  • Coffee, tea and water included

Factory Campus Membership
Price: 24,99 €/month*
Request now

*All prices are exclusive of 19% Umsatzsteuer